A mini journal of small moments in my day!

February, 2025

Date: 25/02/2025

Mood: Silly

Old School Haul: Part 2


I'm so happy, I was a bit disappointed seeing this skirt on Wunderwelt and missing out on the opportunity to buy it. But I HAVE IT NOW >:) and at a fraction of the Wunderwelt price. I can't wait to put it on! >w<

Date: 25/02/2025

Mood: Silly

Old School Haul

A small haul arrived in the mail today and it is AMAZING ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ ).

I received a Heart E Gobelin JSK with additional accessories, which I defs didn't deserve but that was so nice of them! It came with an Innocent World 2006 tie, an Innocent World headbow and an Erikkson (is that how you say it??) headband. On top of that, my MAM Maxicimam coat arrived too and it is so comfortable! Feels kinda like angora even though I know thats not the case and is not too warm :>

I'm considering if I should wear it to this upcoming lolita interview I have with my comm, or if I should go all white, as the other person who is being interviewed will be wearing all-black. I really want to wear my recent gobelin piece though so I have no idea what to wear now. Aghhh... so many choicces ( ̄□ ̄;)!!

Date: 21/02/2025

Mood: Tired

Maid Plate

Found this plate on Xianyu and have never wanted a plate so bad in my life ;w; If only I was rich and had disposable income to buy a lot of anime plates for my LAN midnight party.

Maybe in another lifetime...

Date: 13/02/2025

Mood: Hungry

BJD Surprise: Ren (2006)

I received a surprise in the mail today, turns out it was my Super Dollfie which I had ordered aaages ago! I was really excited to open her up as I had never owned a BJD in the past, with this doll being my first.

I did not realise how big she was... Turns out she's around 40cm tall after doing a quick google search! She's made of resin with a slight olive skin tone, I do not mind that her skin has turned a bit tan from years of light exposure (hence why she was so cheap when I bought her), it's closer to my skin tone so I'm actually quite happy ^^

Her eyes are absolutely gorgeous and deep-set, I think I'll keep them instead of buying a brown set to match my own. I have not bought any clothes for her yet, however I'm planning on giving her a ringlet wig, and some cute black lace clothes alongside a bonnet (preferably) or a headdress depending on their quality and price! I'm so excited to see how cute she'll look once she's in her outfit < 3
